Debbie Ridpath Ohi FAQ > Will you help promote me and my work? (6 entries)
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This is a list of questions I am frequently asked. Here's a list of links to my more popular pages. Thanks for visiting! -- Debbie
Q. Will you review my book? To be clear, I do NOT consider myself to be an Official Book Reviewer. I admire professional book reviewers and those who ...
I rarely say yes to blurb requests these days, mainly because they take me a LOT of time. Blurb requests should come from editors, agents and publicists only, ...
I don't usually publicize writers' events, online or offline. Ditto for webinars, workshops, or contests. When I make exceptions, it's usually because I'm involved in the event somehow, or ...
Q. Will you help me promote my book? Or Kickstarter project? or xxx? If you're writing to ask for a book review, please read my "Will you review ...
NO. Please. I get very cranky when people put me on their mailing lists without my permission.
Q. I have a great infographic for your readers! Will you help spread the word? If it's specifically about reading, writing or illustrating children's books, then possibly. Especially ...