Debbie Ridpath Ohi FAQ > Will you help promote me and my work? > I have a great infographic for your readers! Will you help spread the word?
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This is a list of questions I am frequently asked. Here's a list of links to my more popular pages. Thanks for visiting! -- Debbie
Q. I have a great infographic for your readers! Will you help spread the word?
If it's specifically about reading, writing or illustrating children's books, then possibly. Especially if it's funny.
I get many offers of infographics about authors or readers in general. Although my blog used to be about writing in general, the focus has changed to be about reading, writing and illustrating books about young people.
I do sometimes create my own infographics about the industry, but usually to fill a specific need or because...well, because I feel like it. :-) I also make exceptions for infographics from other people if I find them super-funny AND I think my readership will enjoy them.
Bottom line: I'm probably NOT going to be interested in your infographic if it's:
- about authors in general
- about readers in general
- about sales or promotion
- about writing in general
- about home office spaces
- about office organization
Thanks for understanding!
Last updated on September 5, 2015 by Debbie Ohi