Debbie Ridpath Ohi FAQ > Will you help promote me and my work? > Will you review my book? May I put you on my mailing list?
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This is a list of questions I am frequently asked. Here's a list of links to my more popular pages. Thanks for visiting! -- Debbie
Q. Will you review my book?
To be clear, I do NOT consider myself to be an Official Book Reviewer. I admire professional book reviewers and those who are able to write good literary criticism. I do not fall into either camp.
However, I do like spreading the word about books I enjoy reading.
Q. Ok, so you're not an OFFICIAL book reviewer. Will you help spread the word about MY children's/YA book?
If you work with one of the publishers I work with (especially my home publisher, Simon & Schuster Children's) and you write and/or illustrate books for young people, then I'd love to hear more about your book. If it sounds like the kind of book I'd enjoy, then I'd be happy to take a look.
If you work with another traditional publisher, then it depends on the book. My "To Read" pile is pretty huge, so I jealously guard my reading time. Feel free to send a link to a page where I can find out more about your book and I'll let you know if it sounds like my cup of tea.
Q. Will you help me promote my self-published book?
Sorry, but I must decline for now, mainly because I lack the time.
Q. Will you help me promote my adult book?
Sorry, but I must decline for now. My focus is on children's books.
Q. What if it's a how-to book for writers? Children's writers would find it useful!
Sorry, but the focus of my blog has changed. I very rarely post about general how-to books for writers anymore. This include books about marketing, promotion, craft and business.
Q. May I put you on my mailing list?
Whether you are a publicist, an author or an illustrator....please DO NOT put me on your mailing list without asking. PLEASE. Thank you.
Q. What kind of books do you like/not like?
My sweet spot is middle grade, especially stories that can make me cry and laugh in the same book.
I don't tend to read a lot of romance and am a wee bit tired of love triangles.
Q. Do you prefer print or electronic?
Print, mainly because it's easier to help promote (I can take a photo of the book in an interesting setting) and because I have the option of donating the book to a local school or library, or giving it to another book blogger.
Q. If you do request my book, how long will it take you to post about it?
While I read quickly, it may take me a while to post about a book because of my own work schedule and book deadlines. If you have an upcoming book tour or other deadline, please let me know in advance. I reserve the right not to post about a book.
Q. I've read the above and I still think you'd be interested in my children's book.
Please fill out my Contact Form, choose the "I have a new book or project" and mention that you've read this FAQ entry. I'd also VERY much appreciate a link to a page where I can find out more info about your book and (ideally) read an excerpt. Thanks so much!
Last updated on August 27, 2015 by Debbie Ohi