2017 Photo Memories: SAM & EVA Book Launch Party

Though I posted pics on social media, I wanted to post some of my favourite SAM & EVA launch photos here as well...
Huge thanks to Simon & Schuster Canada and A Different Booklist for hosting my SAM & EVA book launch party earlier this year, especially Rita Silver from S&S Canada and Itah Sadu from A Different Booklist. And thank you so much to everyone who came out to support me at the event!
Thanks to Simon & Schuster Canada for all their help with my book launch at A Different Booklist!Special thanks to my husband Jeff and sister Ruth for all their help as well. Ruth tooks tons of great photos and also helped me with my reading:
I feel incredibly lucky to have the supportive family, friends and publisher support that I do.
And to those in Toronto: do check out A Different Booklist near Bathurst/Bloor! It's a wonderful space, with wonderful people.

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