
Debbie Ridpath Ohi reads, writes and illustrates for young people.

**PLEASE PARDON THE CONSTRUCTION DUST. My website is in the process of being completely revamped, and my brand new site will be unveiled later in 2021! Stay tuned! ** 

Every once in a while, Debbie shares new art, writing and resources; subscribe below. Browse the archives here.

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I'M... Books


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Welcome to the I'M...BOOKS  blog, where I'll be posting fun updates and news about I'm Bored, I'm Sad and I'm Worried. This picture book series is written by Michael Ian Black and illustrated by me (Debbie Ridpath Ohi), published by Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers. This blog replaces my old I'm Bored blog; you can still access the archives.

Entries in indienext (1)


I'M SAD on ABA's Summer 2018 Kids' Indie Next List!

Thank you, indie booksellers! I am so thrilled!!