Debbie Ridpath Ohi FAQ > What's Your Illustration Process? > Do you do your sketches on paper first, then scan them?
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Q. Do you do your sketches on paper first, then scan them?
(Last updated September 16, 2019)
I didn't used to but am now experimenting with doing early character sketches and scene blocking on paper. If I really like what I do, then I'll scan and import into Photoshop. I'm also starting to experiment with scanning drawings I do with my Pentel Pocket Pen Brush (so far I haven't yet found a Photoshop brush that can express the same way).
Sometimes I'll just take a well-lit photo of the sketch with my DSLR or iPhone and then import them into a layer in Photoshop, draw on a new layer over top or (if it's a pencil sketch I like) integrate into the drawing.
Last updated on September 16, 2019 by Debbie Ohi