Debbie Ridpath Ohi FAQ > Getting Into The Business > You don't seem that helpful. It would save me a ton of time if you'd just take a minute or two to give me some quick advice.
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This is a list of questions I am frequently asked. Here's a list of links to my more popular pages. Thanks for visiting! -- Debbie
You don't seem that helpful. It would save me a ton of time if you'd just take a minute or two to give me some quick advice.
I used to try to answer every e-mail, help every person who asked for it. What I found: in most cases, the person never wrote back to acknowledge the answer I sent them (answers that took me time to put together). I also found that I was spending more and more time answering this kind of email, and less and less time on my own work.
PLUS so many of these questions could have answered with just a simple Google search. Rather than take the time to do their own research, I had the impression that some people just didn't want to bother.
What they also don't realize: that if it was only the one e-mail asking for help every so often, then I didn't mind answering. I actually do like helping beginning writer and illustrators when I can (as others have helped me in the past) BUT I am getting so many of these types of requests that it's impossible to keep with them and do my own work as well.
There is SO MUCH great info online these days aimed at helping writers and illustrators. I post about some of these in Inkygirl and some in Twitter.
I also strongly recommend getting to know other writers or illustrators online and in person. See Where can I meet other writers and illustrators?
Last updated on December 29, 2014 by Debbie Ohi