Debbie Ridpath Ohi FAQ > Getting Into The Business > Will you look at my manuscript/portfolio and tell me where I should send it?
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This is a list of questions I am frequently asked. Here's a list of links to my more popular pages. Thanks for visiting! -- Debbie
Q. l you look at my manuscript/portfolio and tell me where I should send it?
Sorry...I have no special insider knowledge. I used to have some, when I wrote a publishing industry column. I quit that column, however, so I could spend less time researching and more time writing/illustrating. I also have an agent who has far more knowledge about the industry than I do.
There are many reference books, web sites and online resources available where you can find more information about where to submit your work. is a good source of info (subscription fee) but there are also online sources that post market info, if you're willing to put in the time and effort of researching.
You can also find more info about what various publishers, editors, art directors and agents are looking for by attending SCBWI ( events. If you're in Canada, you should also check out CANSCAIP ( events.
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Last updated on August 25, 2016 by Debbie Ohi