Debbie Ridpath Ohi FAQ > Getting Into The Business > Will you look at my manuscript/portfolio and give me comments?
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This is a list of questions I am frequently asked. Here's a list of links to my more popular pages. Thanks for visiting! -- Debbie
Q. Will you look at my manuscript/portfolio and give me feedback?
Unfortunately I lack the time to critique writing or view online art. I'm already a member of several wonderful collab and critique groups and encourage you to find your own supportive group. I found mine through the SCBWI ( forums and at conventions. If you're in Canada, you should also check out CANSCAIP ( events.
I already have my own critique groups (MiG Writers and Torkidlit friends for my writing, for example) and value their opinion highly. It took me a while to find the right group of people; I found some of them through organizations like the SCBWI and CANSCAIP -- either through message boards or events. Torkidlit was founded by Claudia Osmond, who approached us via Twitter.
It takes me considerable time and effort to do a proper critique. There are many qualified people out there who would be willing to help critique and edit your work for a fee.
I strongly recommend that you find your own group of writers or artists, and find a critique group that suits your own situation. If you're willing to pay a fee, ask around to get recommendations for good editorial services.
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Where else can I find useful info about writing & illustrating for young people?
Here are some articles that might help:
The Route To Publishing As An Author/Illustrator - Eliza Wheeler on
Critique Groups: How To Find Your Dream Team - Sharla Rae
Finding A Critique Group - Picture This! blog (picture book writing)
The Writer's Craft - Writing Critique Groups
Top 10 Tips For A Critique Group
How To Form Your Own Painting Critique Group
Last updated on August 12, 2015 by Debbie Ohi