Debbie Ridpath Ohi FAQ > Getting Into The Business > How can I get my story in front of an editor?
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This is a list of questions I am frequently asked. Here's a list of links to my more popular pages. Thanks for visiting! -- Debbie
Ok, my story's finished. How do I get it in front of an editor?
Assuming you've done your homework and (1) Polished/edited your story and (2) researched the market to find the appropriate editors and publishers, the next step is getting an editor to actually look at your story.
Many editors won't look at material from unagented authors unless they give you specific permission at a conference (like a SCBWI conference, for example).
In the end, however, there's no one right answer.
To answer those who send him this question, Will Terry put together an excellent post on his blog, Children's Book Publishing In A Nutshell.
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How do I get my story in front of an editor?
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Last updated on August 27, 2013 by Debbie Ohi