Navigation: For The Love Of Reading - Debbie's Books
*****UPDATE Feb. 3, 2021:
Because of the current stay-at-home mandate in Toronto during the pandemic, I will not be checking my P.O. Box until it is safe to do so. I will remove this note when I've started checking again. Thanks for understanding!
Note: I'd appreciate you letting me know when you've sent me something by snailmail; I tend to only check my P.O. Box once a week otherwise.
(Not a teacher or librarian? Please scroll down to "For Other Snailmail Letters")
It always makes my day to receive snailmail from young readers who enjoy my books. Here's where you can reach me:
At Northshire Books in Saratoga Springs. Photo: Rachel Person.Debbie Ridpath Ohi
P.O. Box 43501 Leaside
Toronto, ON M4G 4G8
For packets of letters, I will write back to the entire class/group. Teachers are asked to please write CLEARLY the name of each student on his or her letter beneath the signature, so I can mention them in my response -- I'd also very much appreciate a list of all the student names on a separate sheet of paper, to make it easier for me to doublecheck that I haven't left anyone out.
Please include an e-mail address, and just in case I have questions and so I can let you know when I've received your packet.
I try to respond promptly but it will depend heavily on my travel schedule and workload. If you are sending me packets from several classes at the same school at once, be aware that it will take me much longer to respond since I will be sending my responses in the same packet.
No need to include a self-addressed stamped envelope if your return address is at a school, bookstore or library. Schools/bookstores/libraries from any country may participate.
For other cases, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Note that I live in Canada so cannot use U.S. postage; you can look up Canada postal rates here. Thanks!
For more general questions about how to become a children's book illustrator, advice about getting into the business, etc., please refer to my answers to Frequently Asked Questions. I am unable to provide individual critiques or career advice. For inquiries not related to class letters, please use my regular contact form, thanks.
I am happy to respond to individual letters from young readers (again, depending on my workload and schedule) if you include a self-addressed stamped envelope with sufficient Canadian postage. Outside of Canada, I'd appreciate you making a donation to First Book Canada in lieu of postage (any amount will do; pls include proof of donation with the letter or you can let me know in advance).
I'm happy to answer questions from young readers but if you are a grown-up: for more general questions about how to become a children's book illustrator, advice about getting into the business, etc., please refer to my answers to Frequently Asked Questions. I am unable to provide individual critiques or career advice. For anything other than snailmail from a young reader, please use my regular contact form, thanks.
For SAM & EVA:
(Teachers: See my SAM & EVA Bonus Page for a classroom guide, free print-ready activity sheets and more)
If you were going to co-write a book with me, what would the title of the book be?
In Sam & Eva, the characters on the wall come to life. Write a short story about one or more of the characters - I would love to see it!
If Sam & Eva was going to be reprinted, what should the new cover look like?
What do you like to draw?
(Teachers: See the WHERE ARE MY BOOKS? Bonus page for a classroom guide, free print-ready activity sheets, guide for young readers about how the book was created and more)
If Where Are My Books? was going to be reprinted, do you have ideas about what the new cover should look like?
Where are YOUR favorite places to read books?
What are YOUR favorite books? I would like to know!
What books have you recently read that you've enjoyed?
(Teachers: See the NAKED! Bonus Page for a classroom guide, free print-ready activity sheets, guide for young readers about how the book was created and more)
In the story, the little boy is wearing crazy fun pajamas when he finally falls asleep at the end. I would love to see drawings of what YOU think would be "crazy fun" pajamas.
What is your bedtime routine? Do you like to read a book? Is there a special stuffed animal you like to have with you when you fall asleep? What else do you do before you go to bed? I would love to see your drawings and letters.
Do you have your own story about the characters in NAKED!? I'd love to read them.
Write a fictional story about the best bedtime routine ever.
What did you like most about the story?
(Teachers: See the I'M BORED Bonus Page for a classroom guide, free print-ready activity sheets, guide for young readers about how the book was created and more)
How do you keep from being bored? I would love to see your drawings and letters.
What are some other ways that the Little Girl or Potato in I'M BORED can keep from being bored?
If I'M BORED was going to be printed again, do YOU have a suggestion for a cover? I would love to see it!
The Potato has no clothes in I'M BORED. I'd love to see your drawings of clothes you think the Potato could wear to keep from being bored.
Do you have your own story about the characters in I'M BORED? I'd love to read them. Or maybe a story about YOU and the Potato?
Which part of I'M BORED did you like the best?
For my illustrations in the Judy Blume chapter books:
(Teachers: See my Judy Blume bonus page for bonus material)
Feel free to ask me anything about the illustrations, and I would also love to see your drawings and letters related to the books. However, please note that I am the illustrator, NOT Ms. Blume. I will not be forwarding mail, nor will I be able to respond on behalf of the author. For more info about Judy Blume, please do visit her website, thanks.
For the RUBY ROSE books:
(Teachers: See the RUBY ROSE Bonus page for a classroom guide, free print-ready activity sheets, guide for young readers about how the book was created and more)
If RUBY ROSE was going to be in another story, do you have a suggestion for a cover? I would love to see it!
Do you have a new RUBY ROSE story you'd like to share?
Which part of RUBY ROSE did you like the best?
For the MITZI TULANE books:
(Teachers: See the MITZI TULANE Bonus page for a classroom guide, free print-ready activity sheets, guide for young readers about how the book was created and more)
Decorate Mitzi's cake, draw an alternate MITZI TULANE cover, draw or write about something you like about the book! You can find free print-ready MITZI activity pages here.