Welcome to my semi-autobiographical comic, My Life In A Nutshell! Sporadically updated. Almost always lagging behind real life events and with wildly inconsistent art throughout. I think of this strip as my comic playground and creative petri dish.
Here are the My Life In A Nutshell archives. If you're mainly interested in the bit where I sell my website and move to the U.S. for a while, start here. Or if you prefer, you can start at the beginning.
Naked! Punctuation Question
For more My Life In A Nutshell semi-autobiographical comic, feel free to browse the My Life In A Nutshell archives.
You can find out more about NAKED!, which launches from Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers on April 29th, at the Simon & Schuster website as well as my NAKED! Bonus Page. I'd also really appreciate it if you'd Like my NAKED! book page on Facebook, thanks so much!
New Year's Resolution
I had fully intended to document the story of how I'M BORED got published in comic format, but decided to tell it via interviews, photos and sketches in the I'M BORED Bonus page instead. Here's where you can find more info:
How I'M BORED Was Created (A Photo Essay For Young Readers)
and you can find lots of other info, including press quotes, activity sheets, tips for young writers ad illustrators, print-ready stationery and posters, more in the I'M BORED Bonus Page.

I'M BORED Process: The Interviews
For more info about the process of illustrating I'M BORED, a new picture book from Michael Ian Black and coming out from Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers in Sept/2012, see the I'M BORED Scrapbook.
I'm Bored
I know I said I was going to start at the very beginning, but I realize I've already told this story in this KidLitArtists.com blog post. So I'm going to focus on the publication process instead: working with Justin Chanda and Laurent Linn at Simon & Schuster Books For Children, working on my first picture book etc.
Please note that this is my SEMI-autobiographical comic, so I will be exerting some creative license (BWAhahaha...). For those interested in actual facts, photos, and sample spreads, I'll be posting those on the I'm Bored Facebook Page and I'm Bored Google+ Page.
Info about the book, for those of you who hadn't heard:
I'M BORED is a new picture book written by Michael Ian Black and illustrated by yours truly, coming out from Simon & Schuster Books For Children in 2012.