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(Last updated January 2, 2014)
Now available:
Click image above for free PDF Teacher's GuideThis classroom guide for I'M BORED is designed for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. It offers activities to help teachers integrate I'M BORED into English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies curricula. Art and drama are used as a teaching tool throughout the guide. All activities were created in conjunction with relevant content standards in ELA, math, science, social studies, art, and drama.
All handouts associated with the I'M BORED Teacher's Guide are available online.
Thanks to picture book author and former educator Marcie Colleen for creating this I'M BORED curriculum guide! You can find out more about Marcie and browse her other teacher's guides on her website.
Dear Teacher or Librarian,
If you've been using I'M BORED in your classroom, I'd love to hear from you. I'm compiling a list of tips, anecdotes and suggestions from teachers, will post them on the I'M BORED In The Classroom page.
In addition to the suggested classroom activities below, I've also provided a selection of print-ready activity pages and posters. Also, if your class sends me snailmail about I'M BORED, I will write back with doodles. Thanks for your time and interest in I'M BORED!
-- Debbie Ridpath Ohi, I'M BORED illustrator
From Julie Duffy on I'M BORED activity pages during a classroom visit: "These kids looooved I'm Bored! They laughed, they joined in, they mobbed me for the activity sheets and even forgot that I'd brought donuts until they were half way through their pictures!"
Other classroom activities:
Drama/Oral Communication: Choral reading, mime and drama.
Potato-Focused Activities: Reading, writing, science, art and cooking
Thanks to Allison Durno for her help with these curriculum pages above.
Also see:
Tips & Activities For Young Artists and Tips & Activities For Young Writers
How I'M BORED was created: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (includes related activities)
How to say "I'm Bored" in other languages