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I'M WORRIED BOOK TOUR: November 11-14, 2019
(Last updated November 16, 2019)
At Buttonball Lane School (Glastonbury, CT). Photo: Jim Bride.
I had a wonderful time talking with young readers in NY, NH and CT, thanks to Simon & Schuster Children's and awesome indie booksellers at Northshire Saratoga (Saratoga Springs, NY), Water Street Bookstore (Exeter, NH) and R.J. Julia Booksellers (Madison, CT).
I was originally supposed to go on tour back in June, but a broken toe made it necessary to postpone. Thanks to Audrey Gibbons and S&S for their support!
Here are just a few photo highlights:
Drawing for young readers at Nottingham Elementary (Nottingham, NH).
At Main Street School (Exeter, NH). Photo: Jill Sweeney-Bosa, Water Street Bookstore.
With Rachel Person at Northshire Saratoga (Saratoga Springs, NY)
3rd-graders at Harrison Elementary (South Glens Falls, NY) drew these, based on characters from the I'M... books!
With Laurie Alden (Library Media Specialist, Harrison Ave Elementary). Did a character brainstorming collaboration with their students! Photo: Rachel Person, Northshire Saratoga.
A 5-year-old illustrator at Main Street Elementary (Exeter, NH) proudly showed me her work (which was awesome!). Photo: Jill Sweeney-Bosa, Water Street Bookstore.
With Rachel Person (Northshire Saratoga) and Kelly Savalli (PTA Volunteer) at Division Street Elementary in Saratoga Springs, NY
With Jill Sweeney-Bosa of Water Street Books (Exeter, NH)
More coming soon!
Also feel free to browse my other book tour reports:
I'm Sad Book Tour (VA, PA, MA, NJ, NY) - 2018
Sea Monkey & Bob Book Tour (NC, GA, FL, TN, MS) - 2017
Where Are My Books? Book Tour (IL, NC, NJ) - 2015
NAKED! Book Tour (NY, MA) - 2014