Debbie Ridpath Ohi FAQ > Miscellaneous (8 entries)
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This is a list of questions I am frequently asked. Here's a list of links to my more popular pages. Thanks for visiting! -- Debbie
Q. Would you be willing to donate a copy of your book to our worthy cause? Please see this post about book donations , thanks.
I've only entered two showcases, so I strongly advise you to ask those with more experience for wisdom. And do check out the SCBWI Illustration Mentee posts which include portfolio advice ...
My blog software: For my and sites/blogs, I use Squarespace . As for the design, I use one of Squarespace built-in templates ("Engineer") and ...
Sorry, but no.
Sorry, but I lack the time.
Although I'm always interested in hearing about these types of opportunities, I have to warn you that I'll probably have to decline, especially if it involves regular online posts and/or promotion. ...
Q. How do you have time to update so many blogs / social media etc.? I've had a number of people ask me this. I don't really do ...
(Last updated June 1, 2015) I don't blame you for getting a bit lost. Over the years, I've accumulated a number of online projects and will someday do ...