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Updated: April 4, 2017
This is part of the super-fantabulous Bonus Page for WHERE ARE MY BOOKS?, Debbie's first solo picture book (Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers, 2015). You can find a free Teacher's Guide, activity sheets, literacy-related bonus material and other info in the links above.
Print-Ready Library Love Posters:
Click any of the images below for a print-ready PDF; I will be adding more over time. For other reading/book/literacy posters, please see my For The Love Reading page.
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Q: What is a library?
Here's the American Library Association's definition (see this link for source references):
"A library is a collection of resources in a variety of formats that is (1) organized by information professionals or other experts who (2) provide convenient physical, digital, bibliographic, or intellectual access and (3) offer targeted services and programs (4) with the mission of educating, informing, or entertaining a variety of audiences (5) and the goal of stimulating individual learning and advancing society as a whole." (p.2)"
Here's a less formal explanation:
"If we didn't have libraries, many people thirsty for knowledge would dehydrate." - Megan Jo Tetrick, age 12
Q: Who invented the library?
No one knows for sure, but the first libraries were probably archives of the earliest form of writing: clay tablets in Mesopotamia that date back thousands of years ago and records on papyrus in Ancient Egypt.
Sources: Wikipedia, History Magazine, Encyclopedia Britannica.
Q. Where can I find librarians on Twitter, especially children's/YA librarians?
I've compiled a list of kidlit/YA librarians who use Twitter. You can also use the general Twitter people search for terms like "school librarian" and "children's librarian", though this tends to also pull up people who tweet about librarians (like me :-)) and may not necessarily be librarians themselves.
Hashtags related to librarians and libraries: #WhatsTheLibrarianReading, #saturdaylibrarian, #librariesmatter, #latenightlibrarian, #librarianproblems, #libchat (Wed 8-9 pm EST, librarianship), #UKlibchat (first Tue every month, 1:30-3:30 pm EST, 6:30-8:30 pm GMT), #inaljchat (Mon 9-10 pm, job hunt & related topics), #tlchat (second Mon each month, 9 pm EST, current & future instruction librarians & school media specialists), #edchat (Tues at 12p and 7 p EST plus group, educators), #edtech. Will gradually add other lists here when I find them.
You can also check out hashtags related to specific library associations and events. For example, the School Library Association's monthly discussion hashtag is #SLAtalk, while their conference-specific hashtag in 2015 will be #SLA2015.
Related Resources: Top Twitter Hashtags For Librarians, Hashtags For Information Professionals, The Complete Guide To Twitter Hashtags For Education.
Q. What are some annual library-focused national events?
February - National Libraries Day (UK: Feb. 7, 2015), Take Your Child To The Library Day (Feb 7, 2015), Library Lovers' Month
April - National School Librarian Day (April 4), National Library Week (US: April 12-18, 2015), School Library Month, National Library Workers Day (US: Apr 14, 2015), Celebrate Teen Literature Day (April 16, 2015)
September - Library Card Sign-Up Month
October - Canadian Library Month, International School Library Month, National Friends Of Libraries Week (US)
Q. Where can I find some library love resources?
On Pinterest, search for "library love", "library quotes", "librarians" and "libraries".
ILoveLibraries.org is an initiative of the American Library Association.
Authors For Libraries has a list of great quotes from authors about libraries.
"When you absolutely positively have to know, ask a librarian." - American Library Association
"In the nonstop tsunami of global information, librarians provide us with floaties and teach us to swim." - Linton Weeks (Washington Post article, 13 January 2001, p. C01)